Wednesday, March 26, 2008

After Easter Thoughts

What happened to the disciples after Jesus' death? The disciples experienced what most of us have experienced at some point in our lives- a shattered dream. What they thought would happen with Jesus' life and what would transpire because of it, was altogether different than what was happening at that moment. They had hopes and dreams that were dashed and seemed to die right along with Jesus hanging on the cross. When their dreams, their plans for the future, their hope in a person was crushed, they ran and hid in fear. Don't believe me? Check out John 20:19. It tells us the disciples were behind locked doors for fear of the Jews. A shattered dream caused them to run to a place of safety, lock the door behind them, and shake with fear. Look at the fallacy of what they did. They ran to a place they thought was safe and locked the doors. Where could they have truly gone that the Jews would not have found out? The right answer is nowhere. Then they locked the door. As if!!! Did they not think that the Jews could send a great force and knock the door down? I think they actually created their own prison cell called fear and locked the door. What happens next is great. My imagination sees these grown men with one eye on each other and the other eye fixated on the door. The Word says that Jesus came and stood among them and said,"Peace be with you." He had to tell them to be at peace because they were not.
If you have experienced a shattered dream most likely you can identify with these guys. When my shattered dreams have come (and there have been a few in my life!) fear sent me running to a prison cell that I locked and stood shaking, quaking and exhausting myself in. While Jesus Himself has not personally showed up, His Spirit has in bold print (THE WORD),through friends and pastors, and through His still small voice saying,"Fear not, I am with you" or "Be still and know that I am God." These words have had the power to break down prison doors when I let them.
Jesus did not want the disciples to stay in their self made prison. He had specifically given them things to do before He died. There was much work to be done on earth to expand the kingdom of heaven. So it is with you and I. Cerebral prisons (fearful thoughts) lead to emotional bondage (feelings of fear) which lead to physical standstill (willing yourself to do nothing). Friends, God has greater plans for us than to live locked up in fear.
One of my goals for 2008 is to take risks. To take risks you have to let go of fear and trust God. The lesson that Jesus wanted to teach the disciples that day is the same lesson he wants you and me to learn today. Let's get this lesson right so we can be kingdom builders!


Mary said...

Thank you Dawn for your Godly, truthul words. It is just what I needed to hear and be reminded of...

shay said...

I read all your messages with a nod and a smile. You express your thoughts so dynamically and concisely. Each is a nugget to ponder during the day or when a similar situation arises (fear, desperation, etc).

Cannot wait for more from you!