Thursday, March 19, 2009

Love At First Sight

Two Thanksgivings are etched in my memory banks forever. The first was the Thanksgiving I was pregnant with my daughter. During the meal my baby moved dramatically within my womb for the very first time. I jumped up with glee and announced her somersault. My brother-in-law stated it was probably just gas from the heavy meal, but I knew better. Nothing could squelch the joy I felt at her letting me know she was alive and kicking. I loved her before she was born.
The second best Turkey Day was this past year. My daughter and son-in-law invited us to Florida to celebrate the holiday with them. At breakfast my husband and I were given a little gift bag to thank us for making the trip. Inside that bag was a card. My eyes caught the inscription"Love at first sight". Next I saw a fuzzy, static laden photo with a little white dot - an ultrasound picture of my daughter's baby. My very first grand baby!!!! Truly it was love at first sight. I patted my daughter's belly that held her offspring, my offspring. The photo remains on my fridge, a frequented place in my house. I gaze upon the dot and wonder what she will be like, who she will look like, will she love me? I already love her.
Listen to 1 John 5:1 (The Message Bible) "Every person who believes that Jesus is, in fact the Messiah, is God-begotten. If we love the One who conceives the child, we'll surely love the child who was conceived." Spiritually speaking, we are all offspring of the Father if we are His children. Therefore we ought to love one another. We have been conceived by the Father through the blood of the Lamb.
Humanly speaking, I love this grand daughter (yes, it's a girl!) because I loved her mother first. Because I have loved my daughter since the moment I knew she was in me, I also love the one who is in her. I will love her no matter what. She is a part of her mother, a part of me, a part of my mother, but most importantly a creation of her heavenly Father.
Each ultrasound picture gets more clear in detailing her features. While all of that is amazing it doesn't make me love her more. I love her just because......