Monday, December 6, 2010

Attractive Addiction

I was just perusing a certain website when a pop up appeared on my screen for a site called "Attractive Addiction." The site was for bargain deals on all sorts of products. I have no clue as to whether the company is aware of the schemes of our adversary, Satan. One thing I know for sure though is, that Satan makes everything that lures us into addiction very attractive. Rarely do we buy items that are ugly or make us look bad. Most of us don't keep eating food that tastes rotten or looks like canned dog food. We are drawn to the ads for items so wonderful, life would seem pitiful if we didn't own at least one. I find myself thinking,"I really need that" or "That would make tasks so much easier." There's nothing wrong with a "That would be nice!" but when the thought turns into a desire that has to be satiated every time it raises its hand, then problems begin to arise. The bar, the bakery, or the bargain barn can lure us by being attractive. The repeat trips can lead us into temptation and addiction. Advertisers are very aware of this and play on our weaknesses. The devil is very aware of our weaknesses as well. He shoots his arrows into our soft spots, or unprotected places. He whispers, "Just this once!" How often I have fallen for that lame line!
Recently there have been ads on television called "Don't Try Meth Just Once." They are frightening and very sobering. An individual sees them self saying they will only try the drug just once. Next they see the progressive destruction after taking the drug. The ad is so powerful as to how harmful attraction can really be. I really want to applaud that ad developer as most ads are designed to appeal to our wants. This one discourages the"want" factor.
The truth is - addictions start off as attractive, never destructive. Just one look, one bite, one drink, one swipe of the credit card can lead down a slippery slope.
Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the full armor of God that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."

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